Friday, March 28, 2008


Sorry I haven't updated this in awhile but things have been hectic around here lately. Seems like I've been gone every weekend and then busy with school during the week. But I just wanted to let everyone know that even if I don't update the blog like I want, I still upload pictures from wherever I go. For instance if you click on the link on the right, you will see pictures from my trip to Spain, Gibraltar, and Budapest, Hungary (and a few from Germany in that set as well). And I just finished uploading a set of pictures from southern Morocco which I think are amazing. We had a long weekend so Kara and I took a train to Marrakesh, then a bus down to Agadir (on the coast) and back up through the Atlas mountains to Imlil. If nothing else, check out the pictures from Imlil. This is a town in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco at about 6000 feet (1800 meters). It seemed really strange to be in Morocco and surrounded by snow capped mountains.

Anyway, enjoy the pictures and I'll have more in a few days because I'm going to the Sahara desert to see the dunes later today and I'll be there all weekend.