Friday, September 14, 2007

Another day in the life....

First of all, as a precursor to this story, understand that grad school is probably the most time consuming thing I have done to date. I am busier now than I was as a company commander in the Army. I don't know if it's just because I've been out of school for awhile or what but I have to work very hard to stay on top of my schoolwork and not get behind. Essentially I have no life right now outside of school, I come home from school and study until it's time for bed. But luckily there are a few people at school that keep me on track and help me to understand things (they know who they are I

So anyway, tonight Tina and I got into a little argument because I am not going to Sara's soccer game this Sunday in Atlanta (I have two group project meetings on Sunday and an exam on Tuesday) and because I spend every night studying. School is definitely taking its toll on our family life and can be hard to deal with at times but as always, we will survive :) Apparently Sara and Morgan heard us arguing and naturally didn't like it but for some reason Sara was more upset than we were. I think she wanted to get out of the house so she asked (told) us to take her to the football game. But it was already 9pm and supposed to rain so we told her no.

So what ensued was a "conversation" we had after we told her she couldn't go to the game. She didn't want me filming her while she was mad so she was trying to get my phone from me. Sorry for the blurriness but I was trying to hold my phone at arms length so she couldn't get it. She eventually cheered up....but life is rough when you're 15.

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