Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Time Management (or lack thereof)

Ok, I think I've determined that my time management skills are severely lacking. Or maybe it's just my prioritization (according to my spell checker I made that word up....cool) skills.

Sometimes this program gets a little overwhelming and frustrating and I don't know where to even start studying. The Financial Accounting class is probably the worst one for me because it is so fast paced that you just can't afford to slow down. I need one of those golden watch things that stop time so I can stop and catch my breath! We had our first quiz today in accounting and I think I did okay (my definition of okay being that I know I got at least a 30% on the quiz....lol) but there came a point in my studying that I just had to stop studying for the quiz and read the next chapter (which I didn't complete) so I wouldn't be too far behind.

And now I'm studying for the Globalization quiz on Friday and trying to figure out how to study for the Decision Analysis class. And that reminds me, I think one of the things that drives me crazy in this program is that I would really like to have clear cut learning objectives, assignments and deadlines. I like everything to be laid out in front of me so I can just check them off as I go. But I don't feel like that is happening so I get frustrated and sometimes end up doing nothing because of it (not a recommended technique by the way).

My game plan is to somehow incorporate some extra reading. I would like to read and implement the ideas in David Allen's "Getting Things Done, The Art of Stress-Free Productivity". I have started that book a couple of times but never gotten past the first chapter because something else always comes up. But I have read very good reviews about this book and at this point I'm willing to try just about anything. On a similar note, if anyone has any recommendations for books on effective study habits please let me know. I've got to find a better method because the one I'm using right now isn't cutting it.

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